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A few tidbits... 

Gita and Ranjiv love to eat and go to the beach.... apparently there was no food and Ranjiv was sporting his walrus exterior.... 

It was on E-harmony... 

It was a crazy time, and it started with him looking at a match... noticing her, as the months passed they finally met (no rush was clearly a theme for these two, it was 2012)... 

We were super excited on that day... 
- - 2018-08-03 - - 

She was early to the plane, he woke up late.. not a normal theme for these travelers in fact completely the opposite! Her plane was early to land in Chicago, his plane was late.. the theme of the day continues... his flight was extremely turbulent and they even had to get permission to fly low- 24K feet!! and as they pulled into O'hare ... just kidding folks and but pulled up at 50 feet from landing to circle around and try again... when Ranjiv got to the lounge over an hour late at the United Club where she was waiting peacefully (secretly they were both starving)... 
He arrived and she was finishing a few more sentences in her novel... when she realized;
He got on one knee- there was no audience... 
She stood up.. 

Ranjiv- August 3rd, 1:40pm Central Time 2018:
 Will you marry me? 
Gita - Yes

There was no crowd, nothing flashy.. just the two of them as it has been since 2012- and now we're going to say yes over and over to everything life has to offer us! 

It's here.. can you believe it? 2019-07-06

We're getting married just outside her home town on Saturday July 06, 2019.. the first of a lifetime of adventures... they started when she said yes... 
Something to know about Gita and Ranjiv there is power in yes and there is power in patience. That is the theme we have discovered for a life of harmony. We start with peace, we follow up with yes. When it is too hard to be sure, we find our peace... and determine how to say yes.

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